MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs module

Contains functions for calculating induced magnetic fields

from near-spherical conductors. Developed in Python 3.8 for “A perturbation method for evaluating the magnetic field induced from an arbitrary, asymmetric ocean world analytically” by Styczinski et al. DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2021.114840

Author: M. J. Styczinski,

MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.BiList(r_bds, sigmas, peak_omegas, asym_shape_layers, grav_shape, Benm, rscale_moments, nvals, mvals, p_max, nprm_max=1, writeout=True, path=None, bodyname=None, verbose=True, append='', debug=False, do_parallel=True, Schmidt=False, outFname=None, outFnameS=None, Xid=None)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.BinmResponse(r_bds, sigmas, omega, asym_shape, Benm, Xid, p_max, rscaling, nprm_max=1, verbose=True, debug=False)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.F_M(n, m, twokap)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.F_P(n, m, twokap, nprm_max)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.XidDenom(n, m, nprm_max)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.XidSeriesLower(n, m, p, q, nprm, mprm)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.XidSeriesUpper(n, m, p, q, nprm, mprm, nprm_max)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.calc_Xi(n, m, p, q, nprm, mprm)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.calc_Xid(n, m, p, q, nprm, mprm, nprm_max)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.calc_Xiw(n, m, p, q, nprm, mprm)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.cpx_div(a, b)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.cpx_div_val(a, b)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.eval_dev(p, q, chi_pq, ltht, lphi, outShape)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.eval_inner_recur_sym(n_max, n_bds, beta, gamm, delt, epsi)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.getMagSurf(nvals, mvals, Binm, r_th_ph, ltht, lphi, nmax_plot=10, Schmidt=False, do_parallel=True)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.get_Binm_from_gh(n_max, gnm, hnm)

Convert from Schmidt semi-normalized form without the C-S phase (common in geophysics) to orthonormal harmonic coefficients with the Condon-Shortley phase (common in physics). Handles all values for a given n at once. :param n_max: int. Maximum degree n of induced moments. :param gnm: complex, shape(n_max+1,n_max+1). g_nm and h_nm values for all m = [0,n].

Schmidt normalization here means the integral of |Ynm|^2 * dOmega over a unit sphere is 4pi/(2n+1) for all n and m. No Condon-Shortley phase.


hnm – complex, shape(n_max+1,n_max+1). g_nm and h_nm values for all m = [0,n]. Schmidt normalization here means the integral of |Ynm|^2 * dOmega over a unit sphere is 4pi/(2n+1) for all n and m. No Condon-Shortley phase.


complex, shape(2,n_max+1,n_max+1). Complex induced magnetic moments for fully normalized spherical harmonics.

Return type:


MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.get_CSpq_from_chipq(pmax, chipq, CSchange=True, noRenorm=False)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.get_Deltanmi(n_max, p_max, nprm_max, n, n_bds, r_bds, Benm, asym_shape, Xid, aBar, Ad, TransferQts)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.get_all_Xid(n_max, p_max, nprm_max, nprmvals, mprmvals, do_parallel=True, writeout=True, reload=False, fpath=None, fname=None)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.get_apq_from_chipq(pvals, qvals, chipq)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.get_chipq_from_CSpq(pmax, Cpq, Spq, CSchange=True)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.get_chipq_from_CSpq_single(p, Cpq, Spq, CSchange=True)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.get_chipq_from_apq(pvals, qvals, apq)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.get_gh_from_Binm(n_max, Binm)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.get_rsurf(pvals, qvals, asym_shape, r_mean, ltht, lphi, do_parallel=True)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.get_series_terms(n_max, nprm_max, n, n_bds, TransferQts, R, Benm)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.jdx(n, x)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.jnx(n, x)

Get boundary shape parameters from disk. Usage: asym_shape = read_shape(n_bds, p_max, rscale, bodyname=None, relative=False, eps_scaled=None,

single_asym=None, concentric=True, fpath=None, r_bds=None, r_io=-2, append=””, convert_depth_to_chipq=False)

asym_shape: complex, shape(n_bds,2,p_max+1,p_max+1). A list of absolute boundary shape parameters chi_pq

for each boundary in m, converted from values in km read from .txt files.

grav_shape: complex, shape(n_bds,2,p_max+1,p_max+1). Analogous to asym_shape, but due to tides deforming the

body surface. Kept separate from asym_shape to preserve ice shell thickness contours for comparison to prior work.


n_bds: integer. Number of conducting boundaries in the model (this is N). p_max: integer. Largest degree p in boundary shape. rscale: float. 1/R_body; used to scale absolute asymmetry values in making asym_shape arrays. bodyname: string (None). Body name as it appears in file names. If None, a generic file name will be searched for. relative: boolean (True). Optional argument to toggle whether chi_pq values are normalized

to bcdev (True) or give absolute coefficients for the deviations (False).

eps_scaled: float, shape(n_bds) (None). Maximum boundary deviation in km, for converting relative asym_shape values to absolute.

Required if relative = True.

single_asym: integer (None). If not None, apply asymmetry only to the boundary with this index. concentric: boolean (True). Optional argument to toggle whether to use the same spherical harmonic

coefficients for every boundary (concentric asymmetry). In this case, only a single file is read in. If concentric = True, r_bds is required.

fpath: string (None). Optional location to search for .txt files. Defaults to “interior/”. r_bds: float, shape(n_bds) (None). Boundary radii in m. Required if concentric = True. r_io: integer (-2). The index of r_bds corresponding to the ice-ocean interface, where asymmetry is expected to

be its most pronounced. Defaults to -2, i.e. no ionosphere. Set to -3 for the ice-ocean boundary when a symmetric ionosphere (one layer) is included.

append: string (“”). Optional string appended to file names. convert_depth_to_chipq: boolean (False). Optional flag to print relative chi_pq values to disk.

MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.norm4pi(n, m)

Calculate normalization factor for 4pi-normalized spherical harmonics. :param n: int. Degree of spherical harmonic. :param m: int. Order of spherical harmonic.


float. Normalization factor, not including any possible Condon-Shortley phase.

Return type:


MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.print_Xi_table(n_max, p_max, nprm_max)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.print_Xid_table(Xid, n_max, p_max, nprm_max)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.read_Benm(nprm_max, p_max, bodyname=None, fpath=None, synodic=False, orbital=False, limit_osc=None, model=None, fName=None)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.read_shape(n_bds, p_max, rscale, bodyname=None, relative=False, eps_scaled=None, single_asym=None, concentric=True, fpath=None, r_bds=None, r_io=-2, append='', convert_depth_to_chipq=False)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.spherharm4pi(n, m, ltht, lphi)

Determines the 4pi-normalized surface spherical harmonic without the Condon-Shortley phase. :param n: int. Degree of spherical harmonic to evaluate. :param m: int. Order of spherical harmonic to evaluate. :param ltht: float, shape(lleny). 1D list along theta at which to evaluate. :param lphi: float, shape(llenx). 1D list along phi at which to evaluate.


float, shape(lleny, llenx). Real surface spherical harmonics in 4pi normalization

for input n, m. cSnm is the cos of tesseral part and sSnm is the sin part.

Return type:

cSnm, sSnm

MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.validate(r_bds, sigmas, bcdev, asym_shape, p_max)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.w_M(n, m)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.w_P(n, m)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.ydx(n, x)
MoonMag.asymmetry_funcs.ynx(n, x)